Selected Spot: Consumption Junction (CJ)        Current Flow: 211cfs

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Spot Info: [Refresh Current Flow For All Spots] Last Refreshed: 02-17-2025 4:50:38 PM PST

Name:   Consumption Junction (CJ)   Current Flow: 211cfs Recorded on 02-17-2025 7:30:00 PM
River:     Water Temp:
Country:   United States   Turbidity: ?
Region:     PH: ?
State:     Min Flow: 700cfs
City:     Ideal Flow: 800-1000cfs
Lat, Long:     Max Flow: 1500cfs
Gage Name:        
USGS Gage#:        
Gage Url:,00060
Predict Url:

Notes &

Quality: Exploratory Poor Moderate Great Epic

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NameUserExplore DateExplore FlowQuality
Consumption Junction (CJ)Bruce06-13-2016 12:00 AM750cfs10
NotesCJ Parking directions have been updated. The town/state just eliminated the two old parking spots (with a no parking sign and a live parking only) so we are going to use the Tea St Exd parking (see directions) in the CJ description. Park wisely my friends, as this is the last parking area with access to CJ by foot. It would really suck if we gave the town reason to close this parking spot.

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Consumption Junction (CJ)jd08-26-2014 12:00 AM1100cfs
NotesBeen squirting here for about 15 years and I\ll say i think this current version is as enjoyable as the \original CJ\ back when Chris gave it a name. Like the prior versions, it is both a lefty and righty, it\s all up to your entry preference. It\s got more turbulence than it used to have prior to Hurricane Irene but is still a very smooth drop with many entry styles allowed. We used to tap in from the river left side, but now we approach the seam from river right. There is still that little eddy that is above the seam- you can tap into and get a weird ride that may keep you right there, kind of vibrating your boat, maybe bouncing you off the eddy walls a bit. There, you may pop back up with no travel, or you might get lucky and drop over the ledge into the deeper valley in the riverbed. If you charc in high, meaning into the eddy, there is a chance that you may sink down to land on top of a big ol\ rock that sits there for you to more or less be \stuck\ on while you spin (look at P Lo\s hull). I think that rock is easiest found when you go in lefty?? I always enter righty there and only hit the rock twice. I also think that once you get sucked under, you can wing your way to the river left support side of the seam and miss the rock, plus enter the deepest part of the valley for a ride with great support. On the river right side (Cold River side), the water is more brownish, while on the other side of the seam, the water is blue-grey to green, depending where you roam. What we have found is that CJ is still awesome down to maybe around 625. At that lower flow, the spot is so smooth, and you still can go deep for long lung busting rides. I personally think that 1000 cfs and 825 is better than 900. It might have something to do with the surges that cause the whirlies to whip up. When it\s low, there aren\t really any surges causing cones that can f*ck up your entry. The only real hazards are: tubers, rafters, kayakers, and cops. They are everywhere on sunny days. The river traffic has dramatically increased in the past 5 years to the point that the local cops started to float the river with the riffraff. Ideally, you\d be sinking when the weather isn\t as inviting, or during the week, at least during the hight of summer. The release schedule should be taken with a grain of salt- the best way to know what\s going to happen with the flow is to call the FLOWLINE!!!!! I cannot stress this enough. 800-452-1737; code 255123....

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Consumption Junction (CJ)PeterLo08-16-2014 12:00 AM950cfs10
NotesCJ info: 1) to plan for a trip in advance, check Zoar Outdoor\s website for the Fifebrook section release schedule ( - it means guaranteed water on these dates 2) for real-time release info, check the Waterline webpage ( - it takes roughly 2.5 hr for water to get to CJ; unscheduled releases will be posted here, too 3) the USGS gage is about another 2.5 hr downstream of CJ ( - it is good for checking flow history. We find that the optimum level is about 900-1000 cfs at this gage, but CJ can still be enjoyed from 700-1600 cfs 4) the best camping is at Mohawk Trail State Forest (, but it\s almost impossible to get a site on a summertime weekend unless you make the reservation weeks in advance 5) the gnarliest part about CJ is crossing the blind curve from the pullover where you park. Be really careful and considerate of other drivers there!

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Consumption Junction (CJ)josh08-11-2014 12:00 AM1000cfs11
NotesChris Merritt, John Ditmars and myself converged on this spot Sunday August 10. Amazing setting, classic structure of 2 huge slabs running into each other. Like the Y in Tennessee but way more power. Chop in however you want. If it\\s on the seam near the top you\\re going down. I have never seen such well formed whirlpool structures, big ones shear off at the top and can be seen extending 10 feet down. If you drop high and fast, you can hover at the bottom of the river with hardly any travel. Blue angel rides are out, you can resurface anywhere. Chop in the river left slab and you can stall easier on the sloping rubble bar of tumbled granite. Pretty turbulent deep and high on the seam but as you roam downstream it smoothes out and keeps taking you deeper until you hover just a couple feet off the bottom. Probably 15 feet deep? I was pushing the up button on half of my rides. I almost went back to the car a couple times to get my PFD, it took about 5 seconds to resurface after you pushed the up button! Before this trip I was all set to chop my boat this winter, now I do not think I will. XXXXXXXXXXXXXX. THE SCENE-- the spot is right next to a massive cobble and sand beach. No shade or trees for hammocks. Pretty friendly for any visitors bringing family with small children. Except for crossing the road the trail to the river is not steep. There is a wide area of shallow water, the seam is about 50 feet away from the beach. On weekends there is a constant stream of Massachusetts finest collections of rednecks, coeds, raft customers, drinkers, smokers, tubers, kayaking noobs and river rats floating right into the main squeeze. Then they all post up on the beach too. Getting rides in between the train of people stalling out in the seam as they float down can be a challenge. Or if you feel really dialed in see how many people you can sink under in one ride. My record was five. After talking with a local who swims with goggles there, it sounded like the spot is constantly shifting. A big rock near the top of the seam he used to hang on to and watch us drop in had tumbled in a month ago. It sounds like this spot is very Japnese in nature, so get it while the getting is good! The next big flood might rearrange it... It is so GOOD. MFD!

NameUserExplore DateExplore FlowQuality
Consumption Junction (CJ)Steve G07-28-2014 12:00 AM845cfs11
NotesI have been meaning to get to this spot for years and finally had the opportunity to share with CJ locals John Ditmars and Peter Lo. We had two days of the best downtime this Zombie has had this year. Whoever, had this spot listed as moderate was a selfish SOB trying to keep it to him/herself. I am not sure what CJ was like before What-was-the-name-of-the-hurricane that changed this from a RL entry to a RR entry, but this spot deserves to have the Worlds held here. Absolutely, epic!!

NameUserExplore DateExplore FlowQuality
Consumption Junction (CJ)stro09-17-2013 12:00 AM0cfs
NotesChanged the gauge info so that the level on Charlemont gauge would register on this page at the request of Chris Merrit on Facebook. Is this the correct gauge?

NameUserExplore DateExplore FlowQuality
Consumption Junction (CJ)jd08-17-2013 12:00 AM800cfs10
NotesThe third version of CJ, which has been changed since Hurricane Irene, and again since Hurricane Sandy, is perhaps the best version yet. CJ III is more powerful than ever, with several different entries, and also has a couple of different seams and \rooms.\ It\s been paddled at 830 up to around 1200 or 1300. At those higher flows, it\s a bit turbulent at times, depending on the moment, even down in the deep compressed zone. However, one can get smooth as silk rides even at those flows. As it gets lower, it just gets smoother. 900 has been labeled the best level so far. It\s nice and smooth, and a squirtist can get very deep and compressed, and pretty much stay there as long as he wants to. Rides over 20 seconds are no problem, and if you wanna hit 30+, just go for it. Excellent visuals. CJ is truly a world-class mystery seam, and probably one of the best there is anywhere.

NameUserExplore DateExplore FlowQuality
Consumption Junction (CJ)jono09-06-2009 12:00 AM900cfs8.75
NotesUser friendly and oh so smooth and gentle. Took me a while to find a proper charc by myself but once I did I was a happy little tadpole, until they turned the faucet off. Quality eddy service and easy entrance from either river R. or L.. Long gentle rides 4-6' deep. Definitely coming back @ a higher flow.

NameUserExplore DateExplore FlowQuality
Consumption Junction (CJ)weaver07-01-2008 12:00 AM800cfs8
Notesrelease was for 800; really fun...watched the water come up with the release, and then go back down 3 hours later. people had the best success with hand paddles, and a good screw down move.

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